Stephanie Moumen

Stephanie Moumen

Sr. Project Manager

Stephanie is responsible for managing projects through the entire development life cycle from entitlement and design through construction. She understands not everyone is an expert in construction, so she takes great pride in helping her clients navigate the processes and decision-making at every project phase.

When not working at Orr, Stephanie is attending her kids’ sporting events and starting the college search. She is an avid cyclist & mountain biker, but has recently picked up golf and pickleball. Originally from a small farming town in western Pennsylvania, Stephanie currently lives in Fairfax, VA with her four children ages 12 through 17.

Stephanie has a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science from Virginia Tech and a Masters of Real Estate and Development from George Mason University.

Notable Projects

fun facts

Favorite Building

Being from western PA, I’ll have to say Fallingwater

Dream job as a child

A Veterinarian until I realized I faint at the sight of blood!

Best part of your job

Getting out of the office and being onsite!

First Job

Car washer

Favorite city

Any beach town in the USA. I never met a beach I didn’t like

One thing I can’t live without

My Kids

Superpower I want

To be able to slowdown time